This is a question
that is often asked by atheists to believers- "Why doesn't God simply show
Himself to the people to dispel all doubts that He exists ?" Simply
showing Himself to humanity will also help a lot of people, since the world
runs on hope and optimism. Belief in God often gives people feeling
"The Almighty is behind me. He will take care of me". Even in sad and
desperate situations, believers can be optimistic and hopeful and live a
happier life. So, it is very important that God show Himself to people so
that they at least feel reassured that there is God behind them to help them,
if not to prove to mankind that God's only true religion is Islam.
Now many believers and people like Dr Zakir Naik have tried
to answer this question. We simply quote Zakir Naik :
"The questioner asked a question that he has a friend
who believes that there is one supernatural power, but if Islam is right, then
why doesn't Allah come down and say that I am God, worship me, so that everyone
would believe???
There is a verse in the Quran in Chapter 10, Verse 99:
"If it had been thy Lord's will, he would have made
all human beings as believers,- all who are on earth!...."
It is very easy for him to do that!!! But this is a test we
are undergoing... Allah says in Al-Mulk, Chapter 67, Verse 2:
"He Who created Death and Life, that He may test which
of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving;- "
So this life is the
test for the hereafter... The human beings are the best of the creations of
Allah SWT, he gave us freewill to either go with the orders of Allah SWT or
against the orders of Allah SWT... Those who obey Allah SWT and submit their
will to Allah SWT are called as Muslims... and those who go against him and
disobey him are called as Kafirs (disbelievers)...
For example, if in
an examination test, where the students are giving an examination, so one of
the students says: "Why is the teacher testing us? Why doesn't she come
and show us all the answers and everyone will write the right answer?"!!!
If the teacher comes and dictates the answer, then where is the question of the
test??? So the teacher before the test taught you many things... Told you, and
now it is you who have to remember back then and ask questions at that time...
That is why Allah SWT has revealed the Quran and He has given you signs...
Allah SWT says in the Quran in Fussilat, Chapter 41, Verse 53:
"Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the
Horizons), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this
is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?"...
So Allah SWT said that He will show you the truth in the soul of every human being...
Now after they come to know the truth, whether they believe or not is their
problem... So the teacher before the examination, she teaches that 2+2=4... In
the Examination whether you write 3, 5 or 4 it is your problem... So Allah SWT
has directly by himself showed you his signs in the Horizons though the sun,
through the stars, through His creations and He himself will make it evident,
and it is a promise that every human being will believe in one God, BUT after
that, do they agree with the commandments or not that is secondary...
So this is a test we are undergoing, those who submit their
will to Allah SWT they are called as Muslims, and they will be rewarded in the
next life... and those who disobey they will be punished..."
Naturally this is a ridiculous answer and
a ridiculous analogy. Why should God 'test' people without proof? Zakir Naik is of course assuming that Allah wrote the
Quran. What is the proof of that- since it was dictated by Muhammad? A God like Allah who needs Angels like
Gabriel to do his work, who lives only in a particular part of the Universe and
who cannot even give good stationery to his chosen
Messenger to record the Quran and makes his followers write it on palm trees,
stones, camel bones in a language where the whole meaning can change with the
slightest change in alphabet, and whose book Quran saw many versions
within 20 years of the death of Muhammad is of course very unlikely to write
the Quran. Actually Chapter 41 Verse 53 itself is a proof that
Islam is false. "Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest)
regions (of the Horizons), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to
them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all
things?" But this God did not show any signs, did not re arrange stars
in a manner that they read at night "Islam is true", filled the Quran
with errors, mistakes and contradictions, and did absolutely nothing to prove
that Islam is from God either during Muhammad's time or later. Far from
showing his signs in the furthest of regions, God actually kept the Muslims
(and also the rest of the world) completely unaware about two whole continents
of the world- viz South America and North America until nearly 900 years of the
birth of Islam! Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered America in
1492 and thought that he had reached India!
Look at the other passage quoted by Zakir
Naik - Chapter 10, Verse 99:
"If it had been thy Lord's will, he would have made all human beings as believers,- all who are on earth!" This is another point which will go against Islam. If God could have easily made all humans as believers then why is the message of Islam 'convert or kill' with unbelievers being allowed to remain as "Dhimmis" paying the Jizyah tax in the first instance? The whole Quran contains more than 70 passages urging Muslims to wage war on non-Muslims, convert or kill them and shun them in this life and the next. Apostates i.e. those Muslims who leave Islam are given death penalty. This is the legal provision in many Muslim countries even today, like Afghanistan a state supposedly rescued by liberals from the radical Taliban, which gives death penalty for leaving Islam. If there is no compulsion in religion and God can easily make all humans as believers then why should apostates be given death penalty?The Quran in 2:27, 2:39, 3:90-91, 4:89, 9:66, 9:74, 47:25-26 makes it clear that apostates are to be punished. Some passages of the Quran are quoted below:
"If it had been thy Lord's will, he would have made all human beings as believers,- all who are on earth!" This is another point which will go against Islam. If God could have easily made all humans as believers then why is the message of Islam 'convert or kill' with unbelievers being allowed to remain as "Dhimmis" paying the Jizyah tax in the first instance? The whole Quran contains more than 70 passages urging Muslims to wage war on non-Muslims, convert or kill them and shun them in this life and the next. Apostates i.e. those Muslims who leave Islam are given death penalty. This is the legal provision in many Muslim countries even today, like Afghanistan a state supposedly rescued by liberals from the radical Taliban, which gives death penalty for leaving Islam. If there is no compulsion in religion and God can easily make all humans as believers then why should apostates be given death penalty?The Quran in 2:27, 2:39, 3:90-91, 4:89, 9:66, 9:74, 47:25-26 makes it clear that apostates are to be punished. Some passages of the Quran are quoted below:
"8:60 And prepare
against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to terrorize
thereby the enemy of Allah...
8:12 I will cast terror into the hearts
of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every
fingertip of them.
And slay them wherever ye catch them
And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression
Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye
dislike a thing which is good for you
Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers:
if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah
8:15-16, O ye who believe! when ye meet the Unbelievers in hostile
array, never turn your backs to them. If any do turn his back to them on such a
day - unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his
own)- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil
refuge (indeed)!
It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah: when thou threwest (a handful of
dust), it was not thy act, but Allah’s: in order that He might test the
Believers by a gracious trial from Himself
O Prophet! rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst
you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred,
they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers
But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the idolators
wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for
them in every stratagem.
O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm
against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed
O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find
firmness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there
prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere."
These are just a few of the many passages of the Quran where
Muslims are ordered to convert or kill unbelievers. If God can make all humans
believers, then why does he force Muslims to do his work of killing and
converting unbelievers when he could have done so Himself? Also, this same God
does the following :
- * Intentionally preventing unbelievers from knowing the truth-> 6:25 6:110
- * Intentionally preventing unbelievers from Understanding Quran-> 17:45-76
- * It is God who causes people to err and He punishes them for that-> 17:97
- * God could guide, if he chose to, but did not-> 6:35
- * Intentionally misguiding those whom he pleases to->14:4
- * Willfully misguiding some-> 16:93
- * God causes human to err-> 4:143 7:178
- * God deceiving human-> 4:142
So God deliberately
keeps unbelievers away from Islam and then punishes them for that- this is
sadism. And if this is the case, then how can unbelievers 'fail the test' when
their fate is already sealed by God?
What a ridiculous analogy of students and
teachers! Students are tested to know how much they have learnt and progressed, or
many times tests are kept just for the reason that students may study (practice
tests) for the big tests. (For example, giving Mock CAT tests before taking the
actual CAT exam for MBA) Before the test, students know that there is going
to be a test and try their best to prepare for it. Did God tell all humans
before their birth that Islam is true, that their lives on earth will be a
test, and they have to pass his test of faith by following his religion
correctly? Students saying "Teacher should show us the answers"
would completely end the meaning of the test, how would God showing Himself
to humans end the meaning of Our 'test'? On the contrary, it would be a
very good thing, since it should prove to humanity that God exists and that he
indeed is testing us, and this would enable humans to consciously follow Islam
to pass the 'test' of God. A God who doesn't even inform humans about
'testing' them and throws them in Hell forever for failing his tests is not a
true God. Also, students are 'tested' for 2 things- to know how much knowledge
they have gained, which is very essential for their progress, and often to make
them study and improve their performance in the final big exam. For what
reason would God 'test' mankind? God being Omniscient would already know
everything about mankind. And then such a God who 'tests' people keeps nearly
80 % of the people unaware about his own true religion, keeps continents like
North and South America unknown to the rest of the world for nearly 900 years
after Islam's birth!
In this case, Zakir Naik has given a ridiculous
analogy that asking "Why doesn't God show Himself" is like students
asking "Why doesn't the teacher show us the answers in a test?"
Firstly, the fact that life is a test is assumed by Zakir Naik, which is
completely unproven and most likely untrue. Secondly, here asking God to
show himself is like asking the TEACHER to show herself, the teacher who takes
the test is expected to show herself. We are not asking for answers of the
questions to be shown. Zakir Naik is not a scholar but a showman, he has a
great memory and can impress the audience temporarily with his words. He has
been completely exposed here by Ali Sina.
This is a video
of a debate between Zakir Naik's guru Abdullah Thariq in a debate with Mahendra
Pal Arya in full:
Again we must quote the virus thing. Tiny
invisible viruses living somewhere on a drop of water somewhere down the
Pacific Ocean are being 'tested' by God without even being told that they are
being tested and God doesn't even show Himself to them. Man has been around for
lakhs of years on this earth, and yet there is not a single instance recorded
of God showing Himself to humanity. God is supposed to be omnipresent and be
able to do all the things. Would a true God play hide-and-seek with humans
and not show Himself to mankind ever since the birth of mankind? Also,
there are so many crimes committed in the name of God by misguided followers
who genuinely believe that they are doing the right thing and spreading faith
in God. Those who destroy idols of Tulja Bhavani in Tuljapur genuinely believe
that they did a sacred and a very good thing, whereas the others who are
devotees of Goddess Tulja Bhavani (like Chhatrapati Shivaji was) will feel
exactly the opposite. At least one of these two must be wrong. Now God should
show Himself here and directly tell the wrong group that the other group is
right and to stop destruction in His name. Many claim that the radical Muslims
who killed unbelievers in 26/11 and 9/11 did not follow true Islam. But they
genuinely believed that they were following true Islam and doing the right
thing for God. Now, God being omniscient would have known that innocent people
were going to be killed by radicals (either from his own true religion, or from
a false religion) and should have shown Himself to these radicals and told them
not to kill in his name!
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