Even assuming that God chose Muhammad as his Prophet
and wants all humans to follow Islam and is so concerned about tiny humans
believing in His Messenger and obeying His Messenger that he will throw all
those who don't do so in Hell forever, there are very easy ways for an
Omnipotent and Omniscient being like God to do so. Of course, again it
must be remembered that this is like the Creator of all the Oceans of the world
insisting that tiny invisible viruses on a drop of water somewhere down the
Pacific Ocean believing in the Prophet-hood of a fellow virus. Let us assume
that Islam is true and God indeed wants people to follow Islam, and that
Muhammad was indeed a Prophet.
Why doesn't God do anything today to prove that Islam
is true? Muhammad claimed
that one night, he rode on a winged horse that took him from Masjidu’l
Haram (the temple of Ka’ba) to Msjidu’l Aqsa (in Jerusalem) and from there to
the seventh heaven where he was shown the hell and the paradise and then taken
to the presence of Allah. This story that is commonly accepted by Muslims and
is known as Mi’raj is also confirmed in the Quran
Glory to (Allah)
Who did take His Servant for a journey by night,
From the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque.
From the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque.
– Quran 17:1
There are many problems
with this story which we will not look right now, but just mention that
many of Muhammad's followers left him after he made this claim, realizing that
he was lying. But some Muslims, blinded by faith have tried to defend this as well. And in this, they say
"Belief in supernatural things will make others know that such a trip is
possible". (Actually, such pathetic arguments from amateurs like the
person who has tried to defend Muhammad's Miraj will only make the desperate
defenders look even more silly). But the point here is- Belief in
Supernatural things. If God is capable of doing supernatural things like
Muhammad's Miraj, why does not do anything supernatural NOW to simply prove
that Islam is true? Why people like Dr Zakir Naik are needed to
'understand Islam' (whereas Zakir Naik is a showman with an excellent memory using
ridiculous arguments to promote his own business) today and answer many
questions- such as "Who created God?" (Ridiculous analogy and laughable
arguments by Zakir Naik) or "Why
doesn't God show himself?"
Today, God doesn't have to show himself
to prove that Islam is true. He can rearrange stars so that at night
they read "Islam is true. Follow it. I, God, have rearranged stars
so as to make mankind know that my religion is Islam". Simple and
clear! Or he can send angels down to earth such as Gabriel and make
them say to humanity, "We are sent by God to show mankind that Islam is
true." Or he can raise Muhammad from his grave and make him
appear before everybody and say "God has raised me again to show
mankind that Islam is true". Of course, there are many ways in
which God can send his message and convey that Islam is true. He can do
some things which are undo-able by humans, like first telling humanity that he
will be splitting the moon and then splitting it, and then again
re-joining it, or declaring to mankind that he will show that
something can enter a black-hole and come out of it (send an angel there and
bring him out and show mankind this) or stopping the rotation of a planet like
Mercury around the sun! But absolutely nothing of this sort is done.
writer recalls talking to a Christian classmate in college about proof that
Jesus was the SON of God. She said, "If God gives proof, then everyone
will believe. The true test of faith is to believe without proof" (That unfortunately, means BLIND FAITH which is the basis of Islam and also Christianity). If that
is the case, then it is admitting that there is NO PROOF AT ALL that the
religion is true! Will a true God send messengers without proof when there are
hundreds of charlatans and imposters and hoax prophets? But then, some other
Muslims say that Quran is the proof that Islam is from God. Now if God does
give proof that Islam is from Him, then surely He can do so in many ways some of
which are mentioned above!
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